My Agenda

In the midst of Job’s profound, unyielding suffering and loss, he proclaims, “I know that my redeemer lives” (Job 19:25).

This declaration encapsulates his unrelenting faith in God’s ultimate redemption. Job’s strength doesn’t come from physical might or worldly success but from his unwavering trust in God’s character, even in the depths of despair and his close friends misrepresenting Jobs issues in his presence, while with all the right intentions, they try to come alongside him in his pain. In one big way, the book of Job serves as a poignant reminder that genuine resilience stems from placing trust in God’s unwavering love and sovereignty, even amidst the darkest of times, knowing that His understanding surpasses all.

It’s a call to relinquish faith in one’s own faith and instead entrust it to the One who shaped it and is truly deserving of it.

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Everybody’s got a blank page
A story they’re writing today
A wall that they’re climbing
You can carry the past on your shoulders
Or you could start over regrets
No matter what you’ve gone through Jesus
He gave it all to save you
He carried the cross on His shoulders
So you could start over

Don’t let your heart be troubled
Don’t be afraid
To the broken hearted
That wished that they’d
Never been born, never been torn
Never sinned, never disobeyed

I know you think there’s no hope (no) But that ain’t true (Jesus saves)
I know you feeling regret (like I)
Brought this all on myself (like I)
Messed it up big time and this time I don’t deserve God’s help (thinking)
How can God forgive me after knowing what I did (can He)
After knowing that I hid from Him and I stayed away and backslid (listen)
Jesus came for the sick (so true)
Jesus came for the weak (Amen)

Jesus came to give good news and have set the captives free (Amen, listen)
Jesus came for the poor (Amen)
Jesus came with the keys (Amen)
Jesus came to remove the chains so the prisoners are released (Amen) See His love is deeper than the ocean floor
Run to His arms like an open doorGod the Father sent the Son
So men can come and be free and ain’t gotta run no more (that’s what He said)

Come to me all who are weary
With heavy burdens, I’ll give you rest
Separated you from your sin
As far as the east is from the west (He said)
Thrown in the sea of forgetfulness
What sin, what offense
And when them waves come crashing in
I’ll calm the winds in your defense (that’s what He said)
So whatever it is that you’ve done
He put that punishment on His Son (His Son)

You’ll never come under His condemnation conquer sin and Satan and his accusations
So dry your eyes, lift up your head
Hallelujah, God is not dead (Amen)
Plus He gave us His peace (His peace)
And He took our guilt on the cross instead
Took our place and now we embrace
A clean slate with the eyes of faith
We know unfailing love
Unfailing love it’s not too late to start over

grey and white cat in close up photography

In this space, it’s vital to grasp that everyone who comes through these digital doors may perceive things differently or hold a different worldview, and that’s perfectly acceptable. I urge you to delve into and engage with ideas that resonate with you. As Psalm 34:8 suggests, “Taste and see for yourself how good the Lord is; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” This invitation warmly welcomes those who are curious, reminding all, whether they believe Jesus is God or not, to center on God’s goodness as revealed in the Bible, rather than on the deeply flawed examples of faith we may often encounter.

True followers (disciples) of Jesus aren’t motivated by ego; they recognize their deep, consistently constant need for Him to navigate their lives with purpose and real love. Life is more than the body, life is more than our own comfort & resistance to change. It’s not just about ourselves and our own kingdoms. Fellow saints (all Christians); you are meant to be a blessing, a new creation resting in the beautiful way God made you the moment you placed your trust in Him.

selective focus photography of gray cat peeking at the table

I do have an agenda; my deepest longing is for others to encounter Jesus. Launching this blog isn’t just about my journey; it’s about vulnerably revealing the transforming power of Jesus in my life and inviting others to experience His grace for the first time, or in a deeper way. It’s also about creating another corner of the web dedicated towards advocating for Endometriosis Supers (see below). I’m 36, I have Stage 4 Endometriosis, Sciatic Endometriosis, and Advanced Deeply Infiltrating Adenomyosis. I pray that those grappling with endometriosis or enduring the weight of chronic illness, experiencing debilitating symptoms most days of the month, find comfort, reassurance, and support in the perspective I offer and the information that has aided me.

Take my yoke on you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and my load is not hard to carry.‭ Matthew 11:29-30

  • In addition to sharing resources about connecting with Jesus, I’m using this platform to deal with the challenges of living with stage four endometriosis
  • Endometriosis is a long-term condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of it. This tissue causes swelling, scarring, and pain where it shouldn’t be, leading to severe pain (eventually, and eventually varies), nerve damage (same), and various other symptoms (same).
  • Dr. Tamer Seckin, a well-known expert and co-founder, explains that [t]his displaced tissue can cause severe pain, affecting the nerves and muscles, and lead to inflammation throughout the body. It took me about three years of searching, while working in increasingly severe pain and muscle dammage, most of which I earn from doing physical therapy every day for the first two years, and asking doctors to finally get diagnosed.

Living with endometriosis brings intense and disabling pain that severely affects both social and professional lives, as described by Dr. Seckin of The Endometriosis Foundation of America. The condition also causes significant psychological distress, manifesting as anxiety, depression, and isolation. I’m not coming into this blog as someone green who just discovered how to suffer. I have a decades-long battle with endometriosis, which eventually led to severe muscle, nerve, and gut damage. After a few years of working in severe pain, eight months ago I had to leave my job due to overwhelming pain and exhaustion. Despite these challenges, I want to support others with the support I’ve received. I hope to spread awareness & resiliency through sharing my faith journey and personal struggles.

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